P2A- Entrepreneurship Challenge

This challenge aims at bringing out the best in the curious minds of the entrepreneurial spirit of young and old on the continent and to support them in the stages



Promoting entrepreneurship is a major issue in Cameroon in a context where the youth unemployment rate is very high. This is how the national policy for the promotion of entrepreneurship in Cameroon, which is anchored on growth integrating corporate social responsibility by integrating the objectives of sustainable development, revolves around three main axes, namely; support for business creation, development support and financing support.

P2A entreprenership challenge is aimed at bringing out young and vibrant Cameroonians who are able to change Cameroon.

Steps Involved

  • Online registration via our various Platforms
  • Preselection
  • Interview of pre-selected candidates
  • Selection of the 20 finalists
  • Training; mentoring
  • Exhibition of products
  • Pitch session
  • Selection of the 03 winners
  • Post-Training follow-up of the finalists

Want to showcase your Business idea?

Project Exhibition

The general objective of this call for proposals is to create an environmentincentive, favorable to entrepreneurial expression resulting from a voluntary synergy and inclusive between young project leaders in Cameroon to make them champions of Cameroonian industrialization.

It is about supporting the development industry in Cameroon by mobilizing young Cameroonians in the creation of sectors and value chains that can create jobs for other young people.

This Project exhibition enables young startups and business in Cameroon to showcase their products and solutions.

Our Partners

Building the next generation of Entrepreners

These are the steps involved

Phase 1

Step 1: Registration

Registration will be done by filling the register form the registration must meet the requirement

Step 2:

Selection of the 20 candidates with innovative ideas on agriculture

Phase 2

Step 1:

going throught a bootcamp from 28th to 1st november working with mentors ,coach

Step 2:

project pitching and presentation of innovative projects


Deadline to register and submit your idea or project: 1st November, 2022

Entrepreneurship Challenge and Project Exhibition:
28th November tp 4th  of  December, 2022

Why Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is at the heart of the development agenda as it can make an important contribution to sustainable development by stimulating economic growth, building productive capacities, fostering employment and the creation of decent jobs in order to eradicate poverty , helping to improve social conditions and address environmental problems, as well as integrating disadvantaged groups, including the poor, women and children

Empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs in Cameroon.

The promotion of entrepreneurship is a major issue in Cameroon in a context where the youth unemployment rate is very glaring. Thus, the national policy of promotion of entrepreneurship in Cameroon, which is rooted in growth integrating corporate social responsibility by integrating the objectives of sustainable development. Revolves around three main axes namely: support for the business creation, development support and financing support. The business creation or the structuring of the various service providers is imperative in order to promote better support.

who we are

Our Goals

Promotion of gender and disability;

Promotion of endogenous know-how

Promoting ethnic minorities

Promotion of ethnic mixing

    Get in touch


    Littoral region. 
    IUC University , Douala

    Contact Us

    Phone : +237 6 54 95 78 18

    Email : contact@inspire-p2a.com

    Our Hours

    MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00

    SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00

    Follow Us


    Most frequent questions and answers

    Any nationality  of age 17 to 60 years, and who belongs to a startup of at least 3 years

    Registration will begin from June right up to July

    Useful Links

    Building the next generation of entreperneurs in Cameroon.

    Contact Us

    Phone : + 237679607732

    Email : contact@inspire-p2a.com

    Follow Us